
Class OpenAdmin\Admin\Grid is used to generate tables based on the data model,for example,we have a table movies in database:

    id          - integer
    title       - string
    director    - integer
    describe    - string
    rate        - tinyint
    released    - enum(0, 1)
    release_at  - timestamp
    created_at  - timestamp
    updated_at  - timestamp

And the model of this table is App\Models\Movie,The following code can generate the data grid for table movies:

use App\Models\Movie;
use OpenAdmin\Admin\Grid;
use OpenAdmin\Admin\Facades\Admin;

$grid = new Grid(new Movie);

// The first column displays the id field and sets the column as a sortable column

// The second column shows the title field, because the title field name and the Grid object's title method conflict, so use Grid's column () method instead, also column has an additional mehtod Label
// new version automaticly use column function instead of name function, this is the prefered method

// The third column shows the director field, which is set by the display($callback) method to display the corresponding user name in the users table
$grid->column('director')->display(function($userId) {
    return User::find($userId)->name;

// The fourth column appears as the describe field

// The fifth column is displayed as the rate field

// The sixth column shows the released field, formatting the display output through the display($callback) method
$grid->released('Release?')->display(function ($released) {
    return $released ? 'yes' : 'no';

// The following shows the columns for the three time fields

// The filter($callback) method is used to set up a simple search box for the table
$grid->filter(function ($filter) {

    // Sets the range query for the created_at field
    $filter->between('created_at', 'Created Time')->datetime();

Basic Usage

Add a column

// Add the column directly through the field name `username`

// The effect is the same as above
$grid->column('username', 'Username');

// Display JSON inline fields
$grid->column('profile->mobile', 'Mobile');

// Add multiple columns
$grid->columns('email', 'username' ...);

Modify the source data

$grid->model()->where('id', '>', 100);

$grid->model()->whereIn('id', [1, 2, 3]);

$grid->model()->whereBetween('votes', [1, 100]);

$grid->model()->whereColumn('updated_at', '>', 'created_at');

$grid->model()->orderBy('id', 'desc');


Sets the number of lines displayed per page

// The default is 20 per page

Modify the display output of column

$grid->text()->display(function($text) {
    return str_limit($text, 30, '...');

$grid->name()->display(function ($name) {
    return "<span class='label'>$name</span>";

$grid->email()->display(function ($email) {
    return "mailto:$email";

// column not in table
$grid->column('column_not_in_table')->display(function () {
    return 'blablabla....';

The closure passed to method display() is bind to row data object, you can use other column data in current row.


// column not in table
$grid->column('full_name')->display(function () {
    return $this->first_name.' '.$this->last_name;

Enable double click to edit


Fixed table header at the top of the screen


Disable the create button


Disable Pagination


Disable data filter


Disable the export button


Disable row selector


Disable row actions


Disable column selector


Set options for perPage selector

$grid->perPages([10, 20, 30, 40, 50]);


One to one

The users table and the profiles table are generated one-to-one relation through the profiles.user_id field.

    id      - integer
    name    - string
    email   - string

    id      - integer
    user_id - integer
    age     - string
    gender  - string

The corresponding data model are:

class User extends Model
    public function profile()
        return $this->hasOne(Profile::class);

class Profile extends Model
    public function user()
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

You can associate them in a grid with the following code:

$grid = new Grid(new User);






One to many

The posts and comments tables generate a one-to-many association via the comments.post_id field

    id      - integer
    title   - string
    content - text

    id      - integer
    post_id - integer
    content - string

The corresponding data model are:

class Post extends Model
    public function comments()
        return $this->hasMany(Comment::class);

class Comment extends Model
    public function post()
        return $this->belongsTo(Post::class);

You can associate them in a grid with the following code:

$grid = new Grid(new Post);

$grid->column('id', 'id')->sortable();

$grid->column('comments', 'Comments count')->display(function ($comments) {
    $count = count($comments);
    return "<span class='label label-warning'>{$count}</span>";

return $grid;

$grid = new Grid(new Comment);

return $grid;

Many to many

The users androles tables produce a many-to-many relationship through the pivot table role_user

    id       - integer
    username - string
    password - string
    name     - string

    id      - integer
    name    - string
    slug    - string

    role_id - integer
    user_id - integer

The corresponding data model are:

class User extends Model
    public function roles()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Role::class);

class Role extends Model
    public function users()
        return $this->belongsToMany(User::class);

You can associate them in a grid with the following code:

$grid = new Grid(new User);


$grid->roles()->display(function ($roles) {

    $roles = array_map(function ($role) {
        return "<span class='label label-success'>{$role['name']}</span>";
    }, $roles);

    return join('&nbsp;', $roles);
